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相澤 武留
Aizawa Takeru
Learning Algorithm for chaotic neural networks to learn probability distributions
青山 慎太郎
Aoyama Shintaro
EWA 学習モデルと認知的階層モデルによる美人投票ゲームの分析
Analysis of Beauty Contest Games Based on EWA Learning and Cognitive Hierarchy Models
赤石 征也
Akaishi Seiya
BLIP: MR を用いた公共交通データ可視化システムによる街の賑わいの体感
BLIP: Toward Experiencing Activity Landscape of a Local Area by Overlaying Public Transportation Data Visualization in a MR Environment
赤坂 晴樹
AI 技術の発展によるコンビニの未来
The UX Design for Future Convenience Store with AI
赤松 克真
Katsuma Akamatsu
Toward the Realization of Personalized Therapy Robots Application of Automatic Robot Design Methodology
浅野 雄太
Asano Yuta
Predicting the Number of Passengers Using Bus Stops Usage Trends
阿部 伊緒莉
Abe Iori
BZ 反応を用いた物理レザバー計算における予測時間延長の手法探索
Exploring Methods Extending the Prediction Time by Physical Reservoir Computing Using BZ Reaction
阿部 元紀
Abe Motoki
Understanding the gaze patterns on hands and user manuals when assembling work
飯田 夢以
Iida Mui
CSI を用いた屋内 IoT 機器グループ化における CSIデータ圧縮手法
CSI Data Compression Method for CSI-Based Indoor IoT Device Grouping
池田 呼人
Ikeda Yohito
空港手荷物受取所の UX 向上を目指した拡張現実型情報提示サービス
An Information Provision App Through Augmented Reality for Improving UX at Airport Baggage Claim Area
池端 麦
Ikebata Mugi
A Proposal of a Makeup Judgment Mechanism for the Construction of a Self-Eseem Support System
石井 滉一
ISHII Koichi
Video Recording Assistance System using Acceleration Sensor to Reduce Blurring
石田 海祐
Kaiyu Ishida
マルチ NOMA ネットワークにおける RL に基づく隠蔽通信
RL-Assisted Covert Communication in Multi-NOMA Networks
和泉 友人
Izumi Tomohito
Autonomous Robot Navigation Using Reservoir Reinforcement Learning Model
一瀬 雄日人
Ichise Yuhito
Discrete models of spatially signaling mechanisms in two-layer organization equivalent transformations to continuous modeling.
伊藤 ⽣慈
Ito Seiji
パーツ交換による家具デザインの発想⽀援:Text-Image モデルによる審美性及び構造の評価
Interchanging Furniture Parts: Aesthetic and Structural Analysis via Text-Image Model
伊東 拓也
Ito Takuya
The Effects Center of Mass and Weights of Lures on Casting Distance Accuracy
今井 瑞貴
Mizuki Imai
Classification and summary generation by assessment item using machine learning
入舩 真誠
Irifune Masato
Characteristic Extraction of the Main Character's Purpose in a Long Novel
上田 果奈
Ueda Kana
Research to Explore the New Value of Social Robots
上田 雅也
Ueda Masaya
自動運転レベル 5 へと変化したモビリティと人の関わりにおける UIUX デザインの提案
Proposal for an appropriate spoken dialogue system UIUX in the relationship between mobility and people changed to automatic driving level 5.
氏家 惇綺
Ujiie Atsuki
Acoustic Faucet-Use Estimation for Water-Supply Activity Recognition
臼井 航
Usui Wataru
2070 年の函館の UI/UX を可視化するーシナリオプランニングと SF プロトタイピングを用いたビジョンデザインの試みー
Vision design to visualize Hakodate in 2070
漆山 宏睦
Urushiyama Hiromu
Verification of a Backdoor Attack on a Machine Learning System for Color Image Classification.
江藤 亘啓
Eto Nobuhiro
BZ 反応を用いたレザバー計算の数理モデルの精度向上
Improving the accurancy Mathematical model of a reservoir computing by BZ reaction
遠藤 晴人
Endo Haruto
Proposal of an Interactive Newspaper Article Retrieval Method Using a Large-Scale Language Model
遠藤 将
Endo Masato
AI による特定の作風を模倣した似顔絵生成の検討
A Study of Generating Portraits that Refer to a Specific Style Using AI
遠藤 雄志
Yushi Endo
Proposal for a Future-Predictive Surgical Simulator Based on Past Cases in Awake Brain Tumor Extraction
⼤巻 佑太
Oomaki Yuta
Effects of Different Learning Activities on Motivation and Comprehension in Online Classes
尾形 隼耶
Ogata Shunya
Perception of note length during music collaboration is affected by adaptive timing partner
Soma Okamoto
Proposal of a Feature Extraction Method from Microscopic Images for Surgical Process Identification and Analysis in Brain Tumor Surgery
荻ノ沢 実佑
Miyu Oginosawa
Influence of Attention to Fingertips by Changes in Tactile Sensation on Muscle Activity in Sitting Posture
奥﨑 智哉
Okuzaki Tomoya
Observation and simulation of magnetic pendulum
尾崎 篤史
Atsushi Ozaki
Confirmation of Feeling Rhythm in Manga Panel Layout
小田嶋 亜美
Odashima Ami
Regional analysis of popular hotels using review data
小野寺 凜
Onodera Rin
Influence of Avatar’s Gestures on Interpersonal Impression of Prettiness
小原 大地
OBARA Daichi
Bayesian U-Net による CT 画像からの腰椎自動検出
Detecting a lumber spine from CT images using Bayesian U-Net
小山田 莉子
Oyamada Riko
Analysis of environmental and social factors affecting fertility rate
⿅島 志瑠
Kashima Shiryu
SSRL を基にした遠隔での創作を主とした協働活動の分析
Analysis of collaborative activities focusing on remote creation based on SSRL
勝山 諒介
Supporting Users by Linking Cultural Property Information with Other Information Using LOD
加藤 万理子
Kato Mariko
Analyzing Syntactic Properties in Language Models Trained with Music Data using Probing Methods
加藤木 敦也
Katogi Atsuya
SAVS と路線バスの乗り継ぎによる交通移動の最適化
Optimization of the transportation by transfer between SAVS and route buses.
河内 将吾
Kawauchi Shogo
MUSIC 法を用いた音源位置の車内外推定手法の提案
A Proposal for Estimating Sound Source Location Inside/Outside Vehicle Using MUSIC
川内 理生
Kawauchi Riku
2 次元写像における最大 Lyapunov 指数
Largest Lyapunov exponent of two-dimensional map
川上 龍仁
Kawakami Ryuuto
Research on The Improvement of Acoustic Space Perception Ability by Sound Localization with Moving Sound Source and Stopping Sound Source
川口 拓輝
Hiroki Kawaguchi
定常状態視覚誘発電位を用いた VR 空間での移動システムの開発
Development of a moving system in VR space using steady-state visual evoked potentials
Visualization of Related Materials in Digital Archives with Treemap
川島 康太郎
An evaluation of the impact of marine environment on squid fishing ground in the Tsugaru Strait
記伊 虎太朗
Kii Kotaro
深層学習を用いた胸部 X 線画像からの疾患検出
Disease detection from Chest X-ray images using deep learning
菊地 陵雅
Kikuchi Ryoga
Changes in Event-Related Potential by Deviation from Musical Expectations in Monophony

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