Requesting books

FUN students and faculty can request a purchase of a book FUN does not have. Read the following reference and request online. Click on Requesting books and log in to our online service with your account to make a request.
Number of volumes student can requestUp to 3 books a year.
Books you can request
・Books useful for study and research for FUN students.
・Books useful for developing cultural literacy for FUN students.
Books we do not purchase・Books FUN library has already had.
・Books such as novels, comics, travel guide etc.
・White paper, statistics.
・How-to books.
・Books for some kind of entrance or certification exam.
・Books for extremely narrow research topic etc.
Please note・This service is available only for FUN members.
・We may decline your request for the limited budget.
・Please write the reason when you request.
・It might take some days to decide whether or not we will purchase.
・You will receive an e-mail notice when the book is delivered. (It might take about a month.)