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Request for your cooperation: Retuning books (5/11-5/29) *For FUN members
cf:Library schedule, Book check out & Returns, Getting Research Materials (on or after 4/20)

FUN Media Library has closed due to COVID-19 since the beginning of March and most of the books to be loaned have not been returned since then. 
More than 900 books are currently checked out and the numbers are increasing.

Under these circumstances the following concerns are appearing:

  • Many books have been loaned for a long time and people who need it can’t borrow.
  • Staff in Media Library work on leaving returned books in quarantine and wiping down surfaces with sanitizer. If these books being loaned now were returned in a short period of time, it would have been very difficult for the Library to provide normal services.

Therefore we request your cooperation to return the Library books by following measures below.
It will start from Monday 11, May taking necessary steps not to spread the virus.

There are two ways to return a book. Depending on your situation, choose (A) or (B).
(A) Go to the University and return a book
(B) Send a book to the Library

Media Library is continuing to loan a book if you need it
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

 Books to be returned for this measure

Books that are due dates have been set before 29th May, 2020.

 Period of this measure

Monday, 11 May, 2020 – Friday, 29 May, 2020

 How to return books (A) Go to the University and return a book

According to your year or status, day of the week you can return is designated. Please refer to the following list and find when you can return.

(1) Send an email to Media Library and tell the date you go to the University.
(2) Go to the University and return the books to the book post.
   *Book post has been moved to the entrance airlock.
    After returning, you have to leave the university 
Time to be returned: 8:45 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

When and who can return books
 Day of the week
 Who can return
 FUN faculty and staff
 Graduate students (Master and doctor)
 Students in 4th year
  13th May
  Last digits of ID №: 0, 1, 2
  20th May
  Last digits of ID №: 3, 4 ,5
  27th May
  Last digits of ID №: 6, 7, 8, 9
 Students in 3rd year
 Students in 2nd year
  • For students in 4th year
  • Because many 4th year students have borrowed books from the Library, date to be returned is designated according to the last digits of your ID number. When you can’t return books at the date, contact Media Library.

  • For students in 1st year 
  • Students in 1st year can return books anytime until your due dates.

 How to return books (B) Send a book to the Library

You can also return books by mail. Please send the books to the following address. 

We will not penalize for those who return books during the period above.
ex) When you returned books on 5/20 and the due date was 5/15, no penalty.

 How to check your borrowing books

(1) Access to FUN Media Library website.
  Media Library 
(2) Click “Renewing & check your status” on the left side menu and log in.
(3) Click “Borrowing Record List"

 Contact Information

Future University Hakodate Media Library
Address:116-2 Kamedanakano-cho,Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan 041-8655
Telephone:+81-138-34-6360, 6361